Contact Us

Company details

Ticorat Organization s.r.o.
Bulharská 996/20
10100 Vršovice
IČO 14190095 

Monday-Friday: 10am – 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: 11am – 4pm



+420 728 883 138


Where can I get information?

We will be happy to answer all your questions at the e-mail address

What are the payment options?

At this moment we only accept SEPA payments. We are working on adding more payment options.

How can I apply a discount code?

1) Put the selected goods in the shopping cart
2) In the first step of the shopping cart, click on the box “I have a discount or gift coupon”

What is the delivery time of the goods?

We usually try to dispatch your order within 24hrs. Then it takes usually 3-7 working days to deliver.